It's one of the best holidays or just days of blog land today!!! I'm surprised if you don't know about it!
It's De-lurker's Day.
Basically, De-Lurkers to a blog are like Stalkers or Peeping Tom's to a real live person at their house. You peer in with your binoculars (read the post), watch what is going on, (imagine what I say in your mind), and instead of walking up to the house and knocking on the door to introduce yourself (leave a comment) you slink away to come back again the next day (move on to the next blog, turn off the computer because you have a life, too shy to let the other readers know who you are). But not today!!! Today is the DAY--the day you comment-- just today is all I ask (beg).
To be fair, I didn't really remember about it until a good blog friend of mine, SciFi Dad emailed me to remind me and sent this awesome graphic to commemorate the event...and I believe someone emailed him to remind him and sent HIM the graphic. Either way... I think it's worthy of a whole post all to itself.
Here's the thing though. I am kind of competitive... and I want all my lurkers to out comment the rest of those posting De-lurkers Post. I'm also getting this up late, which means we already are behind.
Can we do it guys? I believe in you... so believe in yourself. I want to know who you are, so stop being shy and/or lazy for just one day and leave a comment! Or not... or not, I'm not twisting your arm... I promise. (Really SciFi Dad is and the guy that emailed him (Rude Cactus Guy) ;) ... just sayin it wasn't me. (And that's how you throw someone under the bus--hope you took notes.)
Love ya!
(Now leave a comment--anything!!! make it funny, one word, drop your secretest secret-go big and then go home)
In the meantime--Here's how my family brought in the New Year! We are so Freaking crazy it's redunkulous! (The worst New Year's Video ever! You will never get that time back if you watch it. But you should still watch it)
I also posted this on my personal blog... so you can feel free to De-Lurk yourself over there also! :)

A Dear You Letter Below! Make sure to read it and comment... a great one!
=zzzzzzzz..huh..whaaa...where am I? oh sorry your New Years celebration put me to sleep
bwahahahaha... wake up butt face, it only lasted that one minute. :)
I am NOT laughing at your comment about your one minute celebration... not... laughing...
also not lurking :)
YAY!!! I was surprised Kenny didn't pick up on that! That's why we get along T.!
I'm here. A little less than I like, but I'm here!
Ok, I admit, I'm a
Too many DANG blogs out there to comment on EVERY day.
Love the new year's ever kiss...
Awww...You are having fun with your camera aren't ya?
soon I will have my own video camera of my's in the mail.
Daddy Geek Boy--Isn't that the truth, I believe the same... you are here, a little less than we'd like!
Cluttered Brain--YAY that you came out and de-lurked! I'm just glad you are reading girl!
i think ive commented before. but i cant be sure .. so just in case. im here. ;o)
Well, you sure as heck KNOW I'm not a lurker!
Stalker, maybe, lurker...NO!
Yup I'm here too.
I like reading the "shocking" stories.
I was tempted to write one, but I don't have anything bad to say to anyone... I think that's a good thing.
I forward some of those dousers on to my single girlfriend. We talk about some of them, the "ex" one's or the "affair" ones. Juicy, and to tell you the truth, I'm sick of looking at trinkets and dishes on some of my friends blogs BLAHHHHHHHHHHH
BTW Hello Shelle
I'm Claudie, nice to meet you. I'm from Canada
Nikki--Hey girl! So glad you are here!
UP-lol at Stalker!
Claudie--I love Canada! And so nice to meet you! Come and say your voice more around here! :)
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