Saturday, March 28, 2009

Whose closets better?

Since weekends are usually SLOW blogging days.

I thought for those of you that wander over here that you might enjoy this commercial!

I would KILL for a closet with that many shoes!!!


Anonymous said...

Good one Shelle! :)

Untypically Jia said...

I would kill for a closet that my husband could stick his friends in LOL!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I think I might actually scream like that too if I saw a closet like that!

Just saying!

valerie said...

I'd take the shoe closet over the beer closet any day!

Melinda said...

The guys waving their hands is hysterical!! I love that their screaming ends up louder than the girls! hahaha Thats too funny!

Anjeny said...

Ok I would definitely KILL for a closet that many shoes, actually it's kind of a little secret fantasy of mine...having a closet of shoe like that, my own shoe store so to speak and a room full of books, MY kinda books...LOL.

I like the guys' closet too but only cuz it looks like it has those kind of locks that can't be opened from the inside and oh how absolutely satisfying to push all them guys in there and lock them up for good...aahahah.

Love the video Shelle.

wendy said...

We all get excited ---------just about Different things. One doesn't have to be more "right" then the other.

This Mom said...

That is sooo funny. My hubby told me about that comerical just last night. It is one of his favorites.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

OH come ON WENDY...the ladies way is ALWAYS right! lol!

They ARE speaking a different language right guys? Cause I have no idea what she is saying when she goes to show them her closet?

Anjeny...GIRL you speak to fantasy also! I hate that I can't buy whatever shoes I want...the one thing about shoes is you don't go up and down with sizes when dealing with shoes like you do are safe and a GREAT accessory to ANY outfit!

But Melinda you are right...that guy in the back shaking his hands...and then they hug! LOL...too funny!

The Blonde Duck said...

I love the guy that's flapping his hands!!!

Susan said...

Holy crap. My husband says "best commercial ever"!!

MakingChanges said...

I had to watch it twice. I laughed so hard! Good times. Truly shows how different we are. Even though I (and my hubby) don't drink alcohol, the way to his heart is definitely through his stomach. It would have been even more perfect is inside they also have a MONSTER TV too. Then it would have been seriously true to life!

Robin said...

Oh my funny....
But I'm not sure which I find funnier; the commercial or Untypically Jia's comment "I would kill for a closet that my husband could stick his friends in LOL!"
Either way.....thanks for the Monday morning laughter.
Have a beautiful day.

KiraAJ said...

LOL i seen this ad on the wkend and my hubby almost choked on his sandwhich when he seen it we watched this ad about 5 times before we continued watchin our show!