So I got curious. I opened the email.
Guess what freak shows. They wanted to interview ME because of THIS blog! Our Real World Blog!
I KNOW!? Right? I was more excited then a new mom who just fit back into her Pre-Pregnancy Jeans! I kid you not.
So I emailed them back. And I waited for a reply, because I knew I was getting punked. And I was ready for a killer response to the person punking me... I was going to punch them in the arm.
But this was FOR REAL! I kept telling them that NONE of us were experts on the blog, but they just kept saying our blog is exactly what they needed for their site.
We scheduled a time, they called me, and the interview took place (It was funny because I had never been PODCAST interviewed before, they call you up on the phone and you talk. So I hear the music begin to introduce the podcast--he does the whole "We are with Shelle Blok from such and such, thanks for being with us" and I totally froze, wasn't sure if I was suppose to say "Hi" or what, so I just said nothing and he was like, "Hello? Did I lose you?" and I'm like, "No No NO! I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do! You didn't say what to do here!"--like a complete idiot, and he thought that was pretty hilarious--and I'm a nerd). And the WHOLE time I knew someone was going to say, "You're on Candid Podcasts!" (you gotta say that with the Candid Camera jingle) or something like that.
BUT... (wait for it...)they never did! It was actually a Real Podcast! They have my picture up and a description of me that I wrote on my profile and they make me sound REALLY important, even though it's little ol' me.
SO here is the interview: CLICK HERE TO HEAR MY LITTLE GIRL VOICE AND MY FREAKISH LAUGH Now you'll understand why I went with the voice option yesterday.
I was so excited when they emailed me to say this was all legit and that the interview was up! And I kinda fell in love with podcasting. So don't be surprised when you are suddenly emailed by us asking for us to interview you via podcast... just sayin.
When you get to the site, it will have a bunch of podcasts listed. The Real World one says, "Relationship Blogger Shelle Blok"... so press play on that one, number 3 I believe.
How cool is that button? It's so official and stuff.
Anyway--a question--do you ever worry about what your kids will think, if they ever begin to read your blog, when you are writing a post? That was one of the questions... you'll have to listen to my answer, but I'm curious what you guys think.
Go you! Kicking butt and taking numbers!
(I haven't listened yet, my kids are in the room, who knows what you might have said...)
WOW! That's amazing! I'll listen over the weekend. You ROCK!
That's fantastic! I'm off to go listen right now. How exciting!
HOLY SHITBALLS!! I made the same comment twice!
You rocked it! I just listened the whole thing; it was awesome!
NAh, I don't worry.
I keep blog fun and eventful so no one not even my kids will get bored.
I don't think there has been a post that I would be embarrassed if they read it.
Congrats on being interviewed!!!
That is awesome!!!
What awesome shoes did you wear?
Did those boots make an appearance? You know the ones you wore at CBC?
Loved those BTW!
I don't have kids to worry about but I do worry that my friends will ready my 'secret life of' blog and realize that there's a whole other side of me that I keep hidden. lol
Yeah, you are famous!
I worry about what my step sister reads on my blog and will worry about what my daughter reads about her innocent mommy when she can read.
It makes it hard to really say what I want to say sometimes.
Wow, congrats you should get more readers and more feedback! I'll try to listen in later today.
Shell you rock!
OK. so you are something. I'm not jealous.
Well, I am impressed INDEED. You are a star. I think you sounded great...not little girlish at all....I just wish they could all see your cute freckles and dimples.
good job on your Real World blog shell.
I will have to email you about an idea for a topic I have...but I AM NOT A GOOD writer, so you could assign it perhaps.
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