Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You deserve a break... so take it

For those of us lucky enough to be off work this week.


It does no good to take the time off if we spend that time worried about what is waiting for us when we return.

I say this because January proves to be an ugly one for me at work. I am forcing myself to enjoy this time and not pine over the inevitable hell that awaits...

This one goes son the fridge at my house!

Happy New Year everyone!

From Chief


Anonymous said...

It sounds to me that you need to register with a few discreet job agencies - quietly - and move on, or perhaps the job’s too well paid to leave.

I got the best position I ever had through a discreet agency. I left the jobs I didn’t like, actually walked out on one, went to see the manager, politely told him exactly what was wrong, and left. He paid my back pay and gave me a good reference. He was unaware of the problems and appreciative of my politeness, and a reasonable sensible human being. Now I am financially independent of work and the state.

You have my genuine sympathy.

Working Mommy said...

LOL!!! Love this cartoon!

Happy New Year!


Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

LOL... I'm not going to lie, that cartoon scares me a bit!

But it is true when i take a break I wish I could just forget about all that is awaiting for me when I get back!

Anonymous said...

Having been around enough, I have learned to leave work at work and be at home 100%. :) My thoughts are that work will be there when I get back, however, my kids are growing and evolving by the minute and that I need to be 100% present. Just sayin'

Chief said...

I am with ya! I love my job.. It just gets crazy this time of year!

I love "Close to Home"

Shell said...

That's too funny.

When I was teaching, I dreaded going back after Christmas break even more than the kids did.

Meg said...

Ahhh I've had to work through the holidays and I'm about at that point. *sigh*

Brian Miller said...

lol. too true...and not just at the holidays. and you dont have to dislike your job to bring it home with you...which only robs your family...which is the reason you are working in the first place, right?

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Great cartoon!

Mike said...

Thats why I hate vacations, I worry the hell out of myself!


Do you deserve a break in returning clothing after it's been worn?


I believe all working folks deserve a tax break.. But what about people who can, but dont work?

landscape gold coast said...

So why do you people think it's ok to take and buy clothing. And then return it the next day?. I know people who do that, And I don't understand why. I know when I go to the store and buy new clothing. I don't want to buy something that someone wore last night.

Nanuni Kokoritu said...

Wonderful as always! Good choice!