There are several reasons for this. Most of these reasons are physical,
Actually, I can't think of any of them that aren't physical.
1) I do not wake up smelling like roses and mouthwash... sorry, but it is the truth.
2) I am NOT a morning person. NOT even a little bit.
3) I can not go from zero to ooooh baby in .0002 seconds. I need to get my engine warmed up.
4) Warning: blunt truth coming up right ----> here: I do not like having "stuff" dripping down my leg for the rest of the day.
5) The kids are awake and need food, drinks, help with this that and the other thing, knocking on the door, or worst listening at the door. I can not separate me mom and me lover that well... my kids are still young enough that me mom wins.
6) Finally, I just don't like it as well.
I am sure Dearest could counter each and every one of these arguments with a perfectly logical and true statement of his own... but, I am not going to let him here. (that is what the comment box is for - but if you want any lovin honey .... just sayin....)
My dear sweet man has a hard time with night time "activities" because he works all day long, with very little down time and by the time the children are in the bed, and I have relaxed- allowing any such sport to begin- his eyes are getting heavy and his head is bobbing. He is out. Now, once he is down for the count - he is down.

(too bad he has a job that doesn't allow him to come home during the day... sigh....)
I'm definitely more for it at night then during the morning... I LOVE LOVE LOVE my sleep
But we compromise... 1/2 the week in the morning 1/2 at night... or yes, sigh...roll eyes... even both times!!!
I know girls... you can feel sorry for me now.
Don't like morning breath? A quick rinse with some mouthwash does wonders, since you're probably already in the bathroom to pee real quick before you get busy.
Don't like "stuff" running down your leg? One word- mouth :-)
But hey, morning sex isn't for everyone. But it is for Veronica and I :-D
I'm just like a man. I like it all the time. I don't care what time of day it is. ;)
At least you can take a shower to wash the stuff off your leg? IDK, I'm not much into the morning thing either ... but my husband also works at hoome so he's around mornig, noon and night- UGGHH.
Aphrodite--i just cried for u ;)
Stiletto--lucky girl! I wish I was like a man, it'd make my life easier for my hubs! Hehehehe
shelle if you were just like a man you hubby would not be as happy ;) just sayin.
morning sex is a weekend treat for hubby I guess. no time during the work week - the school bus comes at 7 am and he leaves at 7:15.
hubman - mouth in the morning? seriously... coffee is the first thing going in this mouth in the morning.
MLS- my girl. rub some of that off on me :)
Aphrodite- ummm, do you find reasons to leave the house often -ha!
Same way with me over here. I'm a night time prowler and he's a morning-wood type of guy.
And lately he's away in DC or Virginia or Philly (this week) for days on end and I only get about 48 hours to make my move on the weekends.
And weekends were made for nooners. Nap time+ cartoons in the den= quickies on the bathroom counter.
Was that too much? Oh well. It's the truth. Love this post.
Everyone say hi to Stephanie she is my new blog crush ;)
not tmi for me... comment away girl! bathroom counters are the perfect height.'s 10:36 am here and it's too early for me to read or even think about sex. Coffeeeeeeeeee!
Oh my word. This is a debate that happens every.single.weekend in my bedroom. I despise the thought of morning sex. Hate it, hate it, hate it. My messy hair, stinky breath, I don't feel sexy. And I'm the type that has to feel sexy in order to be sexy. Casanova on the other hand, would adore it if he could just turn over and "hey baby" and get me going.
Nooners would be delightful but he works an hour away. *sigh*
Well I by God am for it! Morning, noon, night, brunch, whenever.
I have never turned it down ever. If I ever say "I'n to tired" shoot me, I'm done.
I would forgo the morning though to double up at night.
I'm down for it whenever, except for when I've just closed my eyes at night to go to sleep. We lay in bed at night and snuggle while watching tv for little while. He's had at least 45-60 minutes to initiate some sex if he wanted it. So when he waits until I'm in that light twilight sleep, I get a tad pissy. And I got pissed one time when he tried waking me up for sex in the morning by kneeing me in my hip. Cause, yeah, THAT'S a huge turn on! Puh-leeze! It only took me telling him once that if he thought jabbing his knee in my hip was going to get me hot and ready, he's sadly mistaken.
Anyway, yeah, I'm down for sex whenever for the most part. I know it sucks to have stinky breath, but he does too! And if he loves you, he's gotta love your stinky breath too, right? (as long as it's not permanent stinky breath and can be fixed with a toothbrush and toothpaste.) =)
I will participate in NO snuggling of any kind. Unless we have just finished doing the hokie pokie. Do not rub it up against me if she ain't intending to get it out and let us play with it. Sheeeeeeesh
That goes for at night too. If shes gonna rub it on me then she needs to intend to use it upon waking up.
1-6: Check, check, check, check, check, check.
I am SO not a morning person.
The ZenHusband, on the other hand, thinks starting the day off on the right foot = a little morning exercise to kick things off.
He can attest to the fact that trying to wake me up early for said "exercise" - or damn near anything else for that matter - can be hazardous to one's health.
But, I do indulge him on occasion. ;)
Fortunately, he thinks just about any time of day is a good time. So, at least my aversion to mornings doesn't leave us both without.
Lynette - hey baby ... that is the international dating call isn't it?
Sage - you? like sex? *shocked
April - stinky breath be damned - it takes me too long to get going, there just isn't enough time in the morning.
Sage - ?????? you're missin out. no rubbing? sigh.
zen mom. do not wake me early unless the kids are in need or you are taking me on a road trip! not for sex for sure!
Oh yeah the rubbin is fine as long as it with intent!
Lord help the can of worms I am about to open here:
Say I am your wife (Chief.. I'm not!) and you are sitting on the couch watching (what?) racing. I plop down next to you and due to the sheer excitement of cars going round and round and round the same track (zzzzzzz) I lay my head in your lap, then my hand lands on your leg... etc. I get up and go make dinner (since you don't eat supper) I did something wrong?
No ecause once you get the dishes up and the kids in bed then you'd need to finish it!
I was talking about in the bed tho. April was talking about snuggling.
So again - pretending the same scenario..... in bed - I best cling to my side of the bed if I am not given any out that night?
there ya go. Or sleep on the couch or something!
hmmmmmm.... the couch? seems to me to be just your size dear. ;)
Oh, and the trash needs taking out....
oh wait, we aren't married. Yeah - and it doesn't even work when I tell my real hubby that.
I am way too shy for these convos. I dont know what it is...
But I think Jules just proposed to me
I like it at night... when Im sound asleep
Well, if you read my blog you know that my honest answer at the moment is "neither" for various reasons.
BUT...issues aside, when I'm 100% myself, I would have to say mornings.
I'm way too tired at night for it. Now, don't wake me out of a sound sleep for it. That'll just annoy me. But if we're being lazy, ignoring the alarm, and snuggling (for the sake of it, not to promise or guarantee action...) I'm more open to it.
I love sex in the morning. Hubman and I will do a quick morning pee and teeth brush and then hop back into bed for a morning quickie.
I also don't mind a little love juice during the day.
I like sex in the evening, but sometimes I am a little tired by the end of the day. However in the morning I am up and raring to go!
Navigator..... shy? no need.
proposed? nah... already married, one guy wanting sex in the morning is enough ;)
MR- didn't you read Sage- no snuggling without action ;). Mornings for us are just so rushed there is 1/2 hr from the time we get up to get the kids out the door at 7 am and 45 minutes total to get hubby out the door. just not time and don't think this night owl is waking early.
ASM- lovin in the morning, and in the afternoon lovin in the evening and underneath the mooooon - skitter merinky dinky dee, skitter merinky doo, I love you.
reminded me of that song.
For me what it comes down to is I am NOT a morning person. My sense are wacked up and I can not think or function well. I truly wake up and kick it in around 3pm and I am good to go until about 1-3 am if left alone and on my own time schedule. It is just how this body works. Hubby is fading fast at the time I am kickin in..... we are just opposite in this (and so many other aspects too )
Sometimes I'll just let it happen, even if I'm not really in the mood, he's a good man and I don't want him "looking around" at other women.
Jules, this post must have been written for me, well, me before the kids in high school. I love my sleep, not a morning person since I'm a night person. I get really cranky in the morning if I don't get enough don't even think about getting near me in the morning..LOL.
But the me now with kids in high school, I have to get up early at 6a.m. to drop them off at seminary, and hub working close to home, I can do morning sex if he can get it up quickly and get it done in the time alotted...LOL. He has a time limit, he doesn't get it, he can forget it, come back for nooners or just wait til night time. Now night time sex...I love LOOOOOVE love night time sex, helps me sleep better, just saying.
I too, prefer the late late nighters but I Am Soooo all about the early morning ones too!! Gosh, I love to be woken in the morning like that! YUMMY! It makes my day better. since we're sharing and all, I have noticed that when we both climax at the same time, there is no ooze. I don't know where it goes but... I'm just saying. When timing is off ooze. NASTY huh?
and bottom line you said it, IT comes down to preference. If you aint happy aint nobody happy and my dearest knows that all too well, too. Good sex and bad sex comes down to 90% mental(putting your mind in the right thoughts and 10% feeling.
I am a whenever type a girl, my hubby works midnights so he is sometimes ready to go when he gets home, but like someone said earlier the bathroom is a great place! Now what drives me crazy is when he wakes me up at like 2:00 AM!!! Cant really just go back to sleep after that!! Not for me atleast!!!
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