Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Top 5 Ways my Hubby/High School Sweetheart makes my Life Easier

First, I’d like to admit that there are definitely more than 5 ways my life is made easier by my hubby, but these are the top ones that come to mind.
* He is an amazing stay-at-home dad to our two girls (ages 6 and 9) and he supports me in my career. I am able to go to work and know that the kids are well taken care of. This allows me to focus on my job while I’m there.
* He encourages me to write and has more confidence in me than I have in myself sometimes. (Although, he doesn’t quite get this blogging thing yet.)
* He makes amazing meals for the girls and I so that we don’t starve or eat burnt food all the time. (We met in a cooking class and I burnt the food. There hasn’t been a very high expectation of my cooking skills since. My kids even prefer that I don’t cook. Sad, but true.)
* He remembers to remind me that I need to take time for myself and not take on so many projects – sometimes I even listen…sometimes.
* He balances out my extreme optimism and brings me back to reality when I need it.
Thank you, Hubby!

How about you? How does your spouse/partner make your life easier?

I also write over at Domestically Disabled . Feel free to stop by.


Just Jules said...

My hubby makes my life easier by working so hard he makes his own life difficult. I have been able to stay home for almost 8 years now to raise our children.

He also tends to most of the manly stuff. He too is more grounded and pulls my feet back down when I get too flighty.

Anonymous said...

Cooking for the family is one of my greatest pleasures. I am a breakfast kind of guy, so I make the kids their morning meal before they head off to school. And on weekends, I am the pancake master. Doing all this also provides for some great teachable moments; my daughter is now a pro at over-easy eggs.

Great job, Hubby!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

How sweet! :) He sounds like a great guy :)

My boyfriend makes my life easier because he levels me out. Similar to what you mentioned about your husband. I sometimes need help being brought back down to earth, and while he is by no means negative....he sticks with the reality of situations and tells me when I'm dreaming a little much :)

Anonymous said...

My partner makes my life easier just by being here and present with me. He also encourages me to continue with grad school. I am the person I want to be when I am with him. He keeps me grounded and organized (phew). I honestly believe the Universe conspired for us to meet, he went through his hell I went through mine before we met, now we both are a better person for each other. HE IS MY WORLD.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Without my guy I would forget and leave everything I own at a movie theater or a restaurant! Not lying here. He almost always picks up my purse for me as I wander away to leave...poor guy :)

And CHEEK my guy loves to do the whole breakfast thing...he makes pancakes an art form...no really...he creates frogs and letters and mickey mouse ears

The purse thing is just one of his many talents to make my life easier!

Meagan said...

My Hubby loves to save money! He helps me to control my spending and finds the best interest rate savings accounts for our money to grow.

Meagan said...

My Hubby loves to save money! He helps me to control my spending and finds the best interest rate savings accounts for our money to grow.

OneZenMom said...

Sounds like a definite keeper. :)

Anjeny said...

I love your list...your hubby sounds like a great guy.

Betty Manousos said...

It's so wonderful to have such a great and thoughtful husband!
You're lucky Venus.

Domestically Disabled said...

Thanks for the comments everyone! Glad you enjoyed the list.
Jules: So glad you’ve been able to be home and raise your kids. That is awesome!
Cheek: Nice work! We all love the weekend pancakes that Hubby makes!
Shell: We definitely do need them to level us out at times 
Wannabe: Glad you have found each others.
Shelle: LOL! I have another friend that leaves her keys everywhere and her husband and kids have to watch out for her as well.
Meagan: NICE!
ZenMom & Anjeny & Betty: He definitely is!

Nanuni Kokoritu said...

Nice one. Thank you.