Here's hoping your New Year's Ever was better than this couple's from last year :)

- Just for today, I will not sit in my living room all day in my nightdress. Instead, I will move my computer into the bedroom.
- I will no longer waste my time relieving the past, instead I will spend it worrying about the future.
- I will not bore my boss by with the same excuse for taking leaves. I will think of some more excuses.
- I will do less laundry and use more deodorant.
- I will avoid taking a bath whenever possible and conserve more water.
- Assure my lawyer that I will never again show up drunk at a custody hearing.
- I will give up chocolates totally. 100%. Completely. Honestly....
- I will try to figure out why I *really* need nine e-mail addresses.
- I will stop sending e-mails to my wife (husband).
- I resolve to work with neglected children -- my own.
- I will stop sending e-mail, ICQ, Instant Messages and be on the phone at the same time with the same person.
- I will spend less than one hour a day on the Internet. This, of course, will be hard to estimate since I'm not a clock watcher.
- I will read the manual... just as soon as I can find it.
- I will think of a password other than "password."
- I will not tell the same story at every get together.
- I won't worry so much.
- I will cut my hair.
- I will grow my hair.
- I will stop considering other people's feelings when they so obviously don't consider mine - if that unwashed fellow sits next to me again, I'll tell him he stinks!
- I will be more imaginative.
- I will not hang around girls - they think you love them and that sucks.
- I will not ring the stewardess button on airplanes just to get her phone number.
And some New Year's Resolutions, I think a guy wrote them ;)
Hope you are all partying it up for the New Year!!! If you stop by let us know of any big plans!!! :) Or is your plans more like these guys:

Shelle and all the Real World Contributors!!!
Happy New Year! I will be ringing (plucking) in the New Year in a countrified way as I have outlined in my blog.
Those resolutions are great! Here is to a wonderful new year for you!
Happy New Year everyone. Anyone wanna babysit for me??????
Fine, I give up.
I like how many of them are just ordinary things like growing and cutting hair.
The Mrs. And I will be sitting eating finger food and watching Duck Soup on DVD— tuning in around midnight, then go to bed about 10 minutes after midnight.
Happy New Years to all!
HO HO HO Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho ho ho aaaaah. I particularly like the last one. It sums things up here.
I went out to exercise the car - she sulks and won’t start if I don’t - and dropped in to the leisure centre (pool gym etc) and supermarket (soft white bread and economy streaky bacon for me and a bag of chicken bits for my pet urban wild fox - two legs tonight as it new year eve, she’s such a pretty little vixen) and a couple of wee drams at the bar.
Every one here looks really serious and miserable. Not a single person wished me a Happy New Year and when I did they just went “teeech aye and you mate an all” and looked grim. No one here seems to be bothering at all, apart from the happy drunks of course, they’ve started already. Later they will be flailing into one another, blood and teeth everywhere - och, at least they enjoy themselves. Perhaps I should go and join in.
Thank goodness I don’t live near Glasgow! The traffic fleeing this sink of human depravity and debauchery has caused serious jams on the outward bound roads. The only inward traffic are artics carrying booze. Hundreds of them. It’s on the news.
I’d open a bottle of Shelle but it’s a new one and I don’t like to break the seal unless it’s a really special occasion, like one of my lottery tickets actually winning for example, or a girl friend managing to remember my name at breakfast the next morning. Aye, that’ll be a special occasion all right.
A prosperous and thrifty New Year to you all, I’m off for a bowl of cold gruel and bed in front of the TV. Aye, what the ell, where that bottle of sherry.
@ Just Jules
Aye weell now lassie, how much are yer prepared to pay for any one with that sort of courage? And is the drink free.
Dave the brave.
@ Virginia
You have a great blog Virginia, really impressive. I left a comment.
We made it to midnight Pacific, then on past til 1:30 AM. Am paying for it today.
I resolve to get to bed earlier in the new year.
Will you and your baby be ringing in the new year?
Yah I really wanted to wake her up and kiss her and hug her, and welcome her to a new year.
I hope this new year will bring you happiness and great achievements in your life!
That is what I call resolution!!! Happy new year!
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