Friday, April 9, 2010

Honey Do... Something

Holy crap... I was just posting this funny video I found on the internet to my blog, and I remembered, 'Shit, I'm supposed to post to Venus v. Mars on Friday.' So maybe my procrastination in this post makes it entirely void! Or does it? The difference between Sexy Papa and myself: I remembered that something needed to be done, and even though I have been up since 4am, and I'm dead tired, I am being responsible and fulfilling my commitment.

OK, so I have this little problem. His name is Sexy Papa, and he is a horrible procrastinator. On top of that he is sort of a slob too. I don't ask much of him. Hey, I get it. He works a "real" job... yada yada yada! Not like I don't have 3 part time jobs, outside of motherhood. But whatever.

There are somethings I can't do around here, or that he would like me not to do... him being the man with the power tools and all. For instance, when my youngest daughters drawer front came off the drawer... I heard "Oh, I'll take care of that. I'll bring my drill home this week"

4 weeks later, and I am still looking at the broken drawer sitting in exactly the same place I left it. And I couldn't help but think 'Could you at least bring home the drill so I can fix it myself?'

This is the story of my married life. Before I met him, I did everything myself. I am the one who originally built the dresser. I could have fixed it. But I don't want to insult him. He gets irritated if I just skip the middle man and the hassle.

So tell me? Is this a common problem? "To do" lists sitting full for weeks or months? Is it just Sexy Papa? Or am I just being a crabby.... you know what?

Oh, and if you wanna check out that funny video...
Left Field Missy


Anonymous said...

It depends, I guess. When he's home, and not fixing stuff, is he still doing productive things? Is he THAT busy? Or is he sitting around playing the PS3? If so, then yep, he's just lazy.

Or maybe he just keeps forgetting to bring home the right tool. If that's the case, then a note in his lunch box might be the order of the day.

Speaking on behalf of all dudes, some items on the list just don't seem all that important . . .

Mobius said...

After 20 years of marriage I have finally gotten her to write things down instead of expecting me to catch requests amid the hubbub of life. That way, when I am in fix it mode, I have a place to go to remind me. And she doesn't have to feel like a nag.

But seriously? I would be happy if you did it yourself sometimes... because I know you can. It is ridiculous that he gets annoyed at your willingness to do something yourself.

DCHY said...

Missy, why don't you use tricks on him? Another way is to ask every day "Bring home the drill" until he does that. Then go do it yourself. If he doesn't like that, just tell him "We waited at least 4 weeks for you to fix it."

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...


I totally get that. I do. Only I'm more like your husband. My guy gets it done when it comes to little things around the house. Now... if my car needs an oil change I have to call and get it done... Or my guy needs to call someone for something... THAT never gets done, I'm always the one that has to do that.

It's weird.

Great post... going over to look at the video now.

heelsnstocking said...

i do the jobs and those I cant do the neighbour does. I gave up asking hubby years ago, he just thinks the fairies have been!

Chief said...

Are you kidding me? I am still using pliers to start the dryer<---5 years now and the knob is sitting on top of the washer, ready to install

I'm not sure what the mental block is on it...

I love my man though

Chief said...

and I seriously just noticed the widget keeping score on the comments..

SO I am leaving another one

pan x 8 said...

It's just the nature of the beast - I guess. LOl @ the broken drawer because I just finally threw my dresser out and said, "forget it!" I'm sure he must feel like that after a week and a half of stepping over clean laundry all over the floor! * sigh

Anjeny said...

Missy, you should start purchasing some tools to set aside for yourself for those times when something needs fixing.

And guys, sometimes we can fix things around the house, we can probably even do some manly stuff but then what would be our purpose of keeping you guys around? LOL If you can't get to the broken drawer, washer or dryer or whatever else needs fixing and we rely on your manly physique for those things, then seriously, what are you good for? Just wondering.

DGB said...

I will get on my grandstand and announce that something needs to be done...then I'll forget to do it for like two weeks. But that's not procrastinating. It's bad memory.